Wooden Village in Borysówka
Borysovka is an unusual place lying within the borders of the Bialowieza Forest in Podlaskie Voivodeship. During educational classes you can learn in depth about the local culture, history or cuisine.
History of the village
The village was founded in 2016 with the help of the Foundation for Development and Educational Initiatives, which coordinated a project to create thematic villages in the Bialowieza Forest region. Thanks to the right people and the determination of the founders, a beautiful educational initiative was created.
The thematic village offer includes:
- workshops on loom weaving,
- culinary workshops during which you can bake regional dishes such as “Drewniak cookies” pressed with a hand machine,
- wood cutting exercises,
- recognizing wood species by grain and bark,
- additional activities – washing on a tare or in Frani’s washing machine,
- visiting the didactic pathway Trail of Wooden Occupations,
- visiting the Maciejukowa Homestead.
Miroslaw Maciejuk
Borysówka 32A, 17-200 Borysówka
tel. +48 602 282 083, +48 604 121 972
e-mail: borysowkadrewnianawies@gmail.com
FB: Borysówka – Wieś Drewniana
Tourist guide to thematic villages of Eastern Poland