Bulwy Village in Lipiny

The theme of the Bulva Village in Lipiny is the potato. By using potatoes as traditional ingredients in various dishes, the village promotes the traditional cuisine of the region. Among the most distinctive dishes are potato babka, potato kishka and hopa.


History of the village

The thematic village was established in 2016 as part of the project “Activation of residents around the resources of their own village as a way to develop social entrepreneurship in rural areas,” which was co-financed by the CIF Civic Initiative Fund program. Three women are involved in the creation of the village: Katarzyna Jakubowska, Ludmiła Misiejuk and Małgorzata Dobosz.


The offer of the thematic village includes:




Stowarzyszenie „Krynica”

Lipiny 46a, 17-200 Hajnówka

tel. 508 068 675 lub 608 172 110

e-mail: wioskabulwy@wp.pl

FB: Lipiny – Wioska Bulwy , Stowarzyszenie “Krynica”




Tourist guide to thematic villages of Eastern Poland
