Milky Village in Żeszczynka

Individually and in groups you can visit the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Pilipiuk. Thirty cows are raised in a farm room and fed with special feed. Here you can learn about the automated process of milking the cows and sending the milk to the bulk cooler. Milk tasting and sales are offered.


History of the village

The Milk Village is a thematic village established on the initiative of the Association of Local Initiatives in Zeszczynka. The village was founded on the tradition of dairy cows.


The offer of the thematic village includes:



Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Lokalnych w Żeszczynce

Żeszczynka 41, 21-518 Sosnówka

tel. +48 506 124 536





Tourist guide to Eastern Poland’s thematic villages