Village of Blacksmithing in Wojciechów
The Village of Blacksmithing in Wojciechów is a magical place where you can visit the Blacksmith’s Forge, listen to stories and interesting facts about blacksmithing and the Blacksmith’s work. The village is situated among forests, loess ravines and hills. The village cherishes the traditions of blacksmithing and protects the profession from oblivion.
History of the village
Blacksmithing traditions in Wojciechów date back to 1920. Since 1984, an All-Polish Meeting of Blacksmiths has been held every second weekend in July, and since 1995, for two weeks prior to that, an All-Polish Blacksmith Workshop organized by the Municipal Cultural Center. These are events during which dozens of blacksmiths from all over Poland compete in artistic blacksmithing competitions. It is here that young blacksmiths learn metal forging and decorating skills and develop a passion for creating iron works of art. The only blacksmithing museum in Poland is located here.
The thematic village offer includes:
- tours of the more than 100-year-old Forge and gallery of blacksmithing products,
- iron forging demonstrations for children and adults with an educational lesson,
- colorful stories of the blacksmith about his craft, the process of metalworking, forging and hardening,
- organization of a bonfire,
- lunch at the agritourism farm “U Kowalowej”,
- purchase of souvenirs,
- purchase of metal products and masterpieces of blacksmith art.
Kuźnia Wojciechów
Wojciechów 153, 24-204 Wojciechów
tel. +48 691 053 403 – kowalstwo, +48 665 491 022 – agroturystyka
Fb: Kuźnia Wojciechów Roman Czerniec i Agroturystyka u Kowalowej
Tourist guide to thematic villages of Eastern Poland