Pottery Village in Łążek Garncarski

The Pottery Village in Łążek Garncarski is a small village in the southern part of the Janowskie pine forests, founded in forest clearings. It is a picturesque place where you can see an old potter’s cottage, a pottery kiln and a tile production plant. The village cultivates pottery traditions.


Village history

Pottery is promoted and preserved from oblivion thanks to the National Pottery Meetings in Łążek Garncarski. These meetings have been organized by the Regional Museum in Janów Lubelski since 2007. Every year, numerous tourists and visitors come to Łążek Garncarskie who want to learn the secrets of the pottery profession during free workshops conducted by potters from Poland and neighboring countries. During these meetings, there is also an exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as the opportunity to establish cooperation between various pottery centers.


The offer of the National Pottery Meeting includes:



Muzeum Regionalne w Janowie Lubelskim

  1. Jana Pawła II 3 (siedziba), ul. Jana Zamoyskiego 52 (część wystawowa), 23-300 Janów Lubelski

tel. +48 15 872 46 79

e-mail muzeumjanow@poczta.onet.pl

www: http://www.osgmuzeum.pl/

Fb:   Muzeum Regionalne w Janowie Lubelskim (link:  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057500626085)




Tourist guide to thematic villages of Eastern Poland
